LavaPi Blog

Smart Ways to find an IT team for your project

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“We are looking for a few good men” may sound like something from the past century, but it is still relevant for entrepreneurs and businesses trying to build a team for their IT project.

We are here to guide you on who you’ll need on your dream team to...

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Why You Should Look For Developers in Georgia

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The chaos, which ensued thanks to Coronaviruses’ roam around the world, was bitterly disruptive. Companies were forced to take their business from conference rooms to zoom calls, but if we had to pick one good thing the pandemic brought us, would be working from the ether. Yes, even though most companies said...

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How the ongoing conflict and sanctions impact the IT industry

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While the war waged upon Ukraine is most importantly a humanitarian disaster, the hostilities have also been a source of anxiety for IT outsourcing customers with interests in the region — and those who take advantage of the global IT services market in general.


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SOAP or REST: Which API is Best suited for my project

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LavaPi News

Application programming interface, or API, as it is widely known, was invented somewhere around the late ’90s by Salesforce. This company was the first to revolutionize the digital sphere with SaaS (Software as a service). After this invention, the world saw many API’s come and go, but the two most oft...

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What is framework or library, and how do they compare?

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We live in a world of frameworks and libraries; you cannot browse any development or programming forum without coming across these two. Framework and libraries are a set of classes, modules and/or code that can be used in your app development process, it helps you to solve a specific “Proble...

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Types of System Integration in Software Engineering

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System integration is an essential part of software engineering because not all devices speak the same language. For example, if you speak English and the person you’re trying to talk to only knows Spanish, you use an interpreter. That is exactly what system integration is; it translates one...

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Functional Programming Languages

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LavaPi News

In the IT world, Functional Programming refers to a specific paradigm, where the programs are constructed by applying and composing functions. Functional Programming Languages are specifically designed to handle symbolic computation; they use conditional expressions and recursion to perform comput...

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Typescript or Javascript

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LavaPi News

If you’re ever curious about how popular Javascript actually is, then let me show you in numbers: There are almost 2 billion websites created and a whopping 95% of them use Javascript. Needless to say, it remains the most used language in the world. As for Typescript, it still isn’t on this kind of heig...

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