LavaPi Blog

Self-taught Programming vs Degree

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As we know it today, programming became popular in the early ’50s, even though the profession has even deeper roots, reaching all the way back to the 19th century. It’s also a common misconception that programmers are usually men. In reality, the first people to trailblaze this profession were primarily...

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Why are Coding Bootcamps so Popular?

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Before we even begin talking about coding and boot camps, we have to acknowledge one thing. Coding is part of the tools you need to bake a cake, such as a pot or a whisk. Programming is the cake itself. So, when we’re talking about bootcamps for coding, it’s essenti...

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SOLID principles will change the way you write code

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Robert C. Martin is a 68-year-old software craftsman (informally known as “Uncle Bob”) who collected ten object-oriented design principles. In this article, we will discuss the first five, more widely known as SOLID principles.

Respectfully, this acronym stan...

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Why Flutter is a Powerful Game-changer

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In 2017, a new software development kit was introduced by Google, called “Flutter”, but despite its heavy advertising following the release, it didn’t gain traction until the beginning of 2021. Despite Flutter being a google product, it was surprisingly underrated; nevertheless, in the subsequent...

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Top Cloud-Based ERP Systems of 2021

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Enterprise Resource Planning A.k.a ERP refers to a specific type of software that different companies frequently use for the purposes of managing daily business activities. These activities might include accounting, project management, risk management, supply chain operations or procurement. Some...

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Challenges for Tech Recruiters in 2021

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It is a known fact that the IT industry is suffering from a shortage of talent. Finding a skilled developer in a short period of time has proven to be almost an impossible task. Considering this, it is not surprising to say that tech recruiters all around the world are having trouble executing the...

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Revolution in Banking System – Mobile Banking

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LavaPi News

We all know that these days, most of the operations are done via mobile phones. Why? Because mobiles are always available, accessible, compact and practical. It is probably impossible to imagine a 21st-century civilized human being without a phone; this proves how big of an importance mobile phone...

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E-commerce Role and Top Trends of 2021

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LavaPi News

It is hard to imagine the world of the 21st century without electronic communications, especially electronic commerce. This is an activity referring to electronically buying or selling products all over the internet, so basically, any business transaction conducted online. It is not surprising tha...

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