LavaPi Blog

Secret Weapon of Popular Apps - Clojure

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Have you ever used a program that you liked and wondered, how it works? Since we deal with clients from all over the world on outsourced development projects, we use Grammarly quite often. During our weekly emailing to update our clients on their project, one of the developers randomly said that Clojure works splen...

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Is Jira the Right Task Management Software for your Business?

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LavaPi News

There was a time when office communications served as project management tools. There's a reason why most companies transferred the information into digital platforms. Huge miscommunications took place during the management process, as critical information was often buried in everyday talks. Moreover, when the comp...

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Choose Between Angular, Vue.js & React

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Before we do a deep dive into choosing the right framework, let’s look at the lore of these programs. All three were created by brilliant minds of giant companies. Here’s the brief history behind the three of the most famous JavaScript frameworks:


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Laravel as the Best PHP Framework in 2021

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LavaPi News

The results are in - Laravel is keeping its popularity on the rise. Since PHP is the most popular scripting language for web developers, its frameworks are always under the spotlight. In the first three months of 2020, google trends have shown that Laravel is steadily beating out its counter-parts. The first one to...

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Why Javascript is a Must for Web Developers

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It’s a tale as old as time, for divine paintings an artist must have a vision. If it’s writing, then one needs to master the art of storytelling, but for those who wish to craft digital artwork in form of development - JavaScript is a must. Let’s move aside th...

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Why You Should Use Vue.js as a Front-End

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LavaPi News

If JavaScript frameworks were a competitive beauty contest, rest assured that Vue.js would be the queen bee. The creative genius behind the framework is none other than Google's Evan You. Even though Vue.js was first introduced in 2013, it's still managed to beat out giants such as React and Angular. So, what's the...

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Custom CMS VS Wordpress

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LavaPi News

An age-old question in development: Do we walk the roads less traveled or do we just go with WordPress CMS? CMS is an acronym for a Content Management System. One might ask, why do people need CMS? What’s the catch? Well, if you aren’t a developer, you might find th...

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How to choose from GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket

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LavaPi News

There’s always a discussion around these three - which is better and why. Developers on all forums are taking sides between GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. In this article, we will try to list some pros and cons of the three most popular repository management services, but keep in mind, we are not trying to pi...

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